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ContinueWhen Dayal Ram once again steps out to freedom after many long years in prison a storm of mixed emottons is raging in his heart .. will his beloved son whom he had left behind as a mere child now recognise and accept him as his father in love and loyalty, or will he feel ashamed to call a criminal his father?.. But then again Dayal Ram is heartened to think that his best friend and business-partner Liladhar for whose sake he had gone to prison must surely have told his beloved son Chandan that his father was really not a criminal at all... . But poor Dayal Ram does not know that his hopes and fears are all for nothing—because when he has at last rushed to the house of Liladhar, in whose care he had left his beloved son, Liladhar stuns poor Dayal with the tragic news that little Chandan was long dead from a drowning accident. Dayal Ram was not informed of the tragedy only from a fear that grief would make his prison-life unbearable, and might even kill him.. The tragic news crushes Dayal Ram and life loses all meaning for him ...And his cup of misery is soon filled to its bitterest when he learns from an old friend that his beloved son was believed deliberately drowned by Liladhar to profit from Dayal's will which had named him beneficiary in cace of Chandan's death. The pity was that there was no actual proof, and Liladhar's wife, Sumati, who could have shed light on the matter had turned mad since the tragedy, and has never recovered. .Engulfed in black despair, Dayal now wavers to forsake God's ways and even God Himself. .Poor Dayal is accused of lifting a gold chain from a child's neck. But this shame brings Dayal a strange reward when the gallant-hearted lawyer Ashok not only volunteers defence and saves him, but also offers wandering Dayal the happiness of home-life with him and his good father Acharyaji And the pattern of Divine Justice further shapes as we see that young Ashok is not only romancing with beautiful Shobha, Liladhar's daughter, but is already suspicious of the shadowed past of his be-loved father. ... On Dayal's side, however, his happiness proves short-lived, because the good Acharyaji learns of Dayal's criminal record and turns him out for fear of damage it may do to Ashok's reputaion. But now this tragedy also brings with it for poor Dayal a glowing reward he could not have hoped for even in his wildest dream! .. And now, from hereon, as the fast-weaving pattern of Divine Justice at last overtakes Liladhar and provokes him into further misdeeds from guilty conscience, we are spellbound to see exploding on the screen :—
* The hand of avenging fate which forces Liladhar to face certain death for the one crime he had never really committed in his otherwise totally evil life.
* The terrifying irony of Liladhar's own daughter turning into an unsuspecting instrument of her own evil father's destruction.
* And, towering above it all, the magnificent spectacle of great-hearted Dayal Ram siding with TRUTH, even if it meant saving his life-long enemy at the cost of....
....But see all this, and more, on the screen as the memorable drama hurtles on towards its great and unforgettable climax.
[from the official press booklet]